Since I knew more than a month in advance exactly when we were moving, I've had sufficient time to pack. Uh, not so fast. I'd packed up all the important papers we have. Then we were told that we were missing half of our earnest money. Half! Luckily, I had all the bank statements showing that we'd paid it (packed already, but I had them). So, I unpacked some things and sent those over.
From Brianna's school, we were told that the last homework project was due this past Tuesday. She finished it, turned it in and I had packed up all my crafty material things. After that, the kids were asked to make one last project . . .some scrapbook pages for an album they are putting together for their teacher. I had to go through and unpack the scrapbook paper, stickers and such.
Thursday we had the closing for the house. Yay! We also had the walk-through looking for anything that may need fixing before we take possession. When we got back home, we had a message saying that there is a spot available for Alec to go to pre-school next year. (I can't remember if I ever mentioned that he was on a waiting list). We went over to the school to register him and found out that he needed his shot records along with the registration package. Also, if we took more than a couple of days to return it, he'd probably lose his spot. I went back home and unpacked some papers again. Geez, at this point it would've probably been easier to just wait to pack at the last minute instead of packing, unpacking, making a huge mess, then repacking.
Days are a little crazy right now. We're getting the keys to the house this week, then getting estimates for shutters, putting up ceiling fans, painting the kids' rooms, installing the garage door opener and getting the cable/internet installed. We move on the 2nd. So, if I have short posts or fall off bloggyworld for a while, you know the reason. Also, I know that I owe some of you emails. Sorry. I hope to get it all together soon. My "drafts" folder in my gmail keeps growing and growing.
feeling: super busy
listening to: Linkin Park (What I've Done)