As you may figure out, I love jewelry. I think necklaces are my favorite, but with these rings, I'm quickly becoming a ring fan. Although I like jewelry, when I saw this picture of a new "eye jewel", I think these people went too far. Yes, I did the piercing and the tattoo thing, but a jewel inserted underneath the cornea? Ouch? I wonder if this thing stays in there forever or what? You know, I thought I was "unshockable" and that I'd be the cool mom to my kids but if they wanted jewels inserted into their eyes, I think I'd freak. I wonder what kinds of things are going to be trendy when Brianna and Alec are teenagers.
Time to play! . . . . .
Thursday Threesome
Onesome: Home- What's the one thing your dream home must have?
-One thing? I have a whole list, but I guess I'll pick a big kitchen.
Twosome: improvement- What's the one thing you would change about your current home? New bed, couch? New carpet or wallpaper? Or something major like an addition?
-new couches
Threesome: shows- Do you ever watch home improvement shows? Which one(s)? Do you actually learn anything, or is it simply entertaining?
-yes mostly the decorating shows too many to name and I do learn stuff. If nothing else, I get ideas.
feeling: super sleepy
watching: Late night w/ Conan O'Brien
what I should be doing instead of blogging: sleeping (if only Alec would fall asleep!)
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