I saw this on Meegan's page and now I'm putting it on mine. Of course, she's wittier, but I liked it so decided to use the same space filler.
1. Your name spelled backwards.
2. Where were your parents born?
both of them in Juarez, Mexico. Mom moved to California as a little girl. Dad moved to Texas as a teenager
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
updates for ad-aware
4. What's your favorite restaurant?
Shogun but a P.F. Chang's is opening up soon!
5. Last time you swam in a pool?
I'm so not outdoorsy so I'd have to say maybe like three years ago.
6. Have you ever been in a school play?
only in elementary school the ones in high school were super corny. We had one called "Our Lady of the Tortilla". I'm not kidding.
7. How many kids do you want?
I'm ok with two but I might like three.
8. Type of music you dislike most?
Country music. Definitely.
9. Are you registered to vote?
Of course!
10. Do you have cable?
Of course!
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped?
uh, no.
12. Ever prank call anybody?
I was always on the phone as a teenager but I don't remember ever prank calling. Does having someone call while I'm "hiding" on three-way count?
13. Ever get a parking ticket?
Yeah, once at college for parking somewhere I wasn't supposed to.
14. Would you go bungee jumping or skydiving?
I've been bungee jumping although I don't think I'd ever go skydiving.
15. Farthest place you ever traveled.
I don't know either Acapulco or New Jersey whichever is further.
16. Do you have a garden?
Uh, no. I have a huge yard but no garden.
17. What's your favorite comic strip?
I don't read the newspaper other than online. It would have to be Garfield I guess.
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
Yes, I do. I love my country.
19. Bath or Shower, morning or night?
I love baths especially at night but shower when I'm short on time.
20. Best movie you've seen in the past month?
Oh no, I KNOW we rented some movies within the past month and I know I liked something but I CANNOT remember. All I remember watching is The Butterfly Effect. I enjoyed it but then had a "too long" discussion about nature vs. nurture.
21. Favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni, I guess.
22. Chips or popcorn?
They're not chips, but Flaming hot Cheetos with lime. Not the kind that come with lime. I add it.
23. What color lipstick do you usually wear?
Clinique "Tenderheart". Who comes up with these names?
24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells?
huh? No!
25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
Ha, ha! No!
26. Orange Juice or apple?
It depends with what. . . . by itself, apple
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine?
Rodrigo and Brianna at Carnitas Queretaro. Tortilla soup, yum!
28. Favorite type chocolate bar?
Godiva dark chocolate with raspberry.
29. When was the last time you voted at the polls?
Um, the last presidential election. Oops.
30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
Uh, I don't think I ever have.
31. Have you ever won a trophy?
Yes, for good grades and spelling bees.
32. Are you a good cook?
I hope so, I try.
33. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
Yes, of course.
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial?
No, but I worked taking the orders from home.
35. Sprite or 7-up?
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?
Yes, when I was a flight attendant.
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy?
I swear it wasn't for me but I was the errand boy and bought Metamucil.
38. Ever throw up in public?
Yes, once in San Antonio then I laid down on the sidewalk until my mom yelled at me. It was embarrassing but I felt quite sick.
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?
I'm sure it would be easy to find love being a millionaire.
40. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I guess. I don't know if that lasts though.
41. Ever call a 1-900 number?
Nope. I always get a 900 number block when setting up phone service.
42. Can ex's be friends?
I guess sometimes if it doesn't end badly.
43. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital?
I'm not sure it counts as visiting because I stayed there with Alec when he got phototherapy for jaundice.
44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby?
No. Hardly any.
45. What message is on your answering machine?
"Hi you've reached ***-****" . . .I can't remember the rest.
46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character?
Chris Farley as the motivational speaker
47. What was the name of your first pet?
Chiquis. A chihuahua
48. What is in your purse?
Cell phone, wallet, pen, lipstick, mirror not much since I usually carry a diaper bag.
49. Favorite thing to do before bedtime?
uh. . . .(I'm blushing)
50. What is one thing you are grateful for today?
My grandma for helping me so much.
feeling: I'm sooo full!
watching: news
what I should be doing instead of blogging: washing dishes
Monday, August 30, 2004
Sunday, August 29, 2004
isp karma/ update
I was making fun of my friend Melisa because her ISP would only work early in the morning and late at night. I was telling her stuff like "We better hang up before your internet goes down". I thought I was being so cute and then the same thing happened to me. ARGH! For those of you who love your computers as much as I do, you know how you suffer when something goes wrong and prevents you from using it. I tried blogging a few times. Once I was finally able to get into blogger, I'd click on the "create" option and leave it up to one hour and the page still wasn't open. Rodrigo got around to fixing it yesterday and my computer is now better than ever! (This is going to sound like I know what I'm talking about, but I don't. I'm just writing whatever he told me he did.) Rodrigo checked the bandwidth and our connection was slower than the slowest dial-up connection. He fixed that and now we are at a little over 2 megs per second. (Whatever that means). He also defragmented and cleaned out my temporary files. I already have ad-aware but he also ran spybot and we were able to find a few annoyances. Last he downloaded another web browser. I still use IE but he thinks I should use Mozilla Firefox and so I also have that option. It's a good deal to live with an I.T. guy.
Now for an update. After what might have been the worst two months of my life, I've left my job. I was looking for a part-time thing but I ended up being there sometimes up to 10 hours. Plus, sales us just not for me. I had no intention to harass customers or to fight with old lady vultures to see who can get to the customers first. When I was looking for work, I made a few online applications. One of them was to JP Morgan. I got a call from them a few weeks ago, set up for some testing, passed it, set up for an interview, passed that, took a drug test, passed, got fingerprinted and had my picture taken. I start training on the 7th. Yea! I've been in touch with my new boss a few times and she's really nice. Wish me luck.
Since I last wrote, Alec started walking! We think he was just too lazy to walk because just started walking clear across the room one day. No little steps, then falling. He just pulled himself up and started walking as though he'd been doing it for a while. Aww, my baby is becoming a little boy.
One thing that really bothered me was last Saturday when we went out for breakfast. We went to a restaurant that we really like (For those of you in El Paso, it was Barrigas on the west side). We walked in and the manager greeted us. He looked kind of pompous and asked us if we needed a high chair for Alec. We said yes and he went back to standing against the wall. He didn't get us one and didn't tell anyone else to. Our waitress came, asked us the same thing and went to bring us the chair. In the middle of my meal, I bit down on a little piece of metal. I thought it was some hard little piece of food but then saw that it was metal about the size of a staple but thicker. We told the waitress who was really apologetic about it and walked over to the manager. She showed him the metal and I figure she told him it was in my food, he shrugged and again went back to standing against the wall. I didn't order anything else and they didn't charge us for my meal, but I would've preferred to be charged but apologized to. He never once came over and said I'm sorry or even acknowledged us anymore for the rest of the time we were there. I think if I were managing a restaurant and something like that happened, I'd go apologize and try to charm them. I'd comp their meal and offer a free something for their next visit (that way, I'd make sure they came back heh, heh.) We left and walked right by him and he didn't even look our way. Argh!
Anyway, its good to be back online and I hope you all have a great week!
feeling: I'm back online. Whew!
watching: The Olympics
what I should be doing instead of blogging: reading other blogs I've missed

Now for an update. After what might have been the worst two months of my life, I've left my job. I was looking for a part-time thing but I ended up being there sometimes up to 10 hours. Plus, sales us just not for me. I had no intention to harass customers or to fight with old lady vultures to see who can get to the customers first. When I was looking for work, I made a few online applications. One of them was to JP Morgan. I got a call from them a few weeks ago, set up for some testing, passed it, set up for an interview, passed that, took a drug test, passed, got fingerprinted and had my picture taken. I start training on the 7th. Yea! I've been in touch with my new boss a few times and she's really nice. Wish me luck.

Since I last wrote, Alec started walking! We think he was just too lazy to walk because just started walking clear across the room one day. No little steps, then falling. He just pulled himself up and started walking as though he'd been doing it for a while. Aww, my baby is becoming a little boy.

One thing that really bothered me was last Saturday when we went out for breakfast. We went to a restaurant that we really like (For those of you in El Paso, it was Barrigas on the west side). We walked in and the manager greeted us. He looked kind of pompous and asked us if we needed a high chair for Alec. We said yes and he went back to standing against the wall. He didn't get us one and didn't tell anyone else to. Our waitress came, asked us the same thing and went to bring us the chair. In the middle of my meal, I bit down on a little piece of metal. I thought it was some hard little piece of food but then saw that it was metal about the size of a staple but thicker. We told the waitress who was really apologetic about it and walked over to the manager. She showed him the metal and I figure she told him it was in my food, he shrugged and again went back to standing against the wall. I didn't order anything else and they didn't charge us for my meal, but I would've preferred to be charged but apologized to. He never once came over and said I'm sorry or even acknowledged us anymore for the rest of the time we were there. I think if I were managing a restaurant and something like that happened, I'd go apologize and try to charm them. I'd comp their meal and offer a free something for their next visit (that way, I'd make sure they came back heh, heh.) We left and walked right by him and he didn't even look our way. Argh!
Anyway, its good to be back online and I hope you all have a great week!
feeling: I'm back online. Whew!
watching: The Olympics
what I should be doing instead of blogging: reading other blogs I've missed
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
olympics and halloween
I'm totally going to rip off from Michelle and Vanessa today. I went into their pages yesterday and was glad that I wasn't the only one for both of these themes.
First of all, from Michelle's page. Yes, I confess, I LOVE watching the olympics. I can't really say why because if they were showing regular swimming or diving on tv, I wouldn't be watching. During the olympics, though, I watch like I know anything about the sport. I saw the opening ceremony and especially love watching the countries parading in. I'll never really watch sports on tv other than olympics and the World Cup. No one else at home really cares but here I am watching weight lifting and volleyball as if those sports interested me.
Now on to Vanessa's page. By far, autumn is my favorite season. It's way too hot here in the summer and I have allergies in the spring. But autumn is perfect. Not as hot but still warm enough to be outdoors. Also, Halloween is in autumn. This is my favorite holiday! We had a Halloween party for Brianna last year and are planning on having another one this year. I still don't know what to dress as, though. We usually have no theme because Brianna always wants to dress up like one of the Disney princesses. I'm trying to convince her to let me make her a peacock outfit this year. Last year I was a geisha, Brianna was Jasmine (from Aladdin), Alec was an ice-cream cone and Rodrigo was a party pooper. If the whole peacock thing doesn't work out maybe we can be Goldilocks and the three bears. If anyone has any ideas as to what we can be, please share!
feeling: quiet
listening to: Morrissey (Irish Blood English Heart)
what I should be doing instead of blogging: making the bed
First of all, from Michelle's page. Yes, I confess, I LOVE watching the olympics. I can't really say why because if they were showing regular swimming or diving on tv, I wouldn't be watching. During the olympics, though, I watch like I know anything about the sport. I saw the opening ceremony and especially love watching the countries parading in. I'll never really watch sports on tv other than olympics and the World Cup. No one else at home really cares but here I am watching weight lifting and volleyball as if those sports interested me.
Now on to Vanessa's page. By far, autumn is my favorite season. It's way too hot here in the summer and I have allergies in the spring. But autumn is perfect. Not as hot but still warm enough to be outdoors. Also, Halloween is in autumn. This is my favorite holiday! We had a Halloween party for Brianna last year and are planning on having another one this year. I still don't know what to dress as, though. We usually have no theme because Brianna always wants to dress up like one of the Disney princesses. I'm trying to convince her to let me make her a peacock outfit this year. Last year I was a geisha, Brianna was Jasmine (from Aladdin), Alec was an ice-cream cone and Rodrigo was a party pooper. If the whole peacock thing doesn't work out maybe we can be Goldilocks and the three bears. If anyone has any ideas as to what we can be, please share!
feeling: quiet
listening to: Morrissey (Irish Blood English Heart)
what I should be doing instead of blogging: making the bed
Monday, August 16, 2004
first day of school
Brianna went back to school today starting kindergarten. I had no trouble waking her this morning. She said she was so excited she could hardly sleep. This year she started wearing a school uniform which really saves me a lot of time. I was able to find her a navy blue jumper and she was happy to be wearing a dress. We got to her classroom and her teacher asked the kids to find their names on the tables. I saw Brianna's name but she just kept circling it. I finally told Brianna where her name was and she said, "No, that's not my name because it only has one 'n' and my name has two." Her teacher heard, apologized and told Brianna she would correct it. Oops. I felt a little embarrassed but I'm used to the way Brianna is. There was one little boy who was crying so I figure he didn't go to pre-k. Everyone else seemed happy and excited to be there. The teacher seemed pleasant enough so I hope that Brianna has a good first day of school and a great year.
feeling: proud of Brianna
listening to: Dashboard Confessional (Vindicated)
what I should be doing instead of blogging: folding clothes
feeling: proud of Brianna
listening to: Dashboard Confessional (Vindicated)
what I should be doing instead of blogging: folding clothes
Friday, August 06, 2004
Congratulations Denise and Arturo!
This past Saturday we attended my friend Denise's wedding. What can I say? It was absolutely lovely! I can't remember a prettier wedding. Yes, I love casual weddings and outdoor weddings but this one was indoors and totally formal. First of all it was held over in Juarez at a beautiful convention center named Cibeles. If you take a look at that picture, their ballroom was actually up those stairs, so just walking in everything was already lovely. We walked in right as Denise and Arturo were about to walk in. Their pastor married them in a very sweet ceremony. After that, we had a delicious dinner. We were first served a salad with apples and almonds (after the drinks, of course). Then we had a spinach-stuffed chicken breast with a cheese sauce over it, some scalloped potatoes, julienne carrots and crescent rolls. All very, very good. The ballroom looked amazing. The tables had lime green table cloths with a smaller white lace table cloth over it. The centerpieces were high above the tables and were lovely floral arrangements consisting of red roses, orange gerber daisies, other flowers and lemons with four candles on the outside. The bridesmaids also wore lime green and a pink rose pin. The band played well and the whole mood was just very classy. After a while we had cake and coffee while Denise and Arturo were being congratulated by all. Overall it was just a very lovely evening. They looked so happy and everything turned out beautifully. I wish them a lifetime of happiness!
Now, on an opposite note, have any of you caught the new Bravo show Things I Hate About You? I've caught all three episodes so far and I think its hilarious! It is a show where couples present video of their mate doing annoying things and judges determine who is the most annoying person to live with and who is a saint. Now whenever either Rodrigo or I do something annoying the other one says, "You see why I would win?" I'm pretty sure I'd win, but I think everyone who goes on that show thinks the same way. On the other hand, I'm not sure if I'd want to know what things are annoying about me. I'd probably get mad. Anyway, try to catch it if you haven't already. That's it for now!
feeling: my feet hurt
listening to: U2 (One)
what I should be doing instead of blogging: getting ready for work
Now, on an opposite note, have any of you caught the new Bravo show Things I Hate About You? I've caught all three episodes so far and I think its hilarious! It is a show where couples present video of their mate doing annoying things and judges determine who is the most annoying person to live with and who is a saint. Now whenever either Rodrigo or I do something annoying the other one says, "You see why I would win?" I'm pretty sure I'd win, but I think everyone who goes on that show thinks the same way. On the other hand, I'm not sure if I'd want to know what things are annoying about me. I'd probably get mad. Anyway, try to catch it if you haven't already. That's it for now!
feeling: my feet hurt
listening to: U2 (One)
what I should be doing instead of blogging: getting ready for work
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