Now for an update. After what might have been the worst two months of my life, I've left my job. I was looking for a part-time thing but I ended up being there sometimes up to 10 hours. Plus, sales us just not for me. I had no intention to harass customers or to fight with old lady vultures to see who can get to the customers first. When I was looking for work, I made a few online applications. One of them was to JP Morgan. I got a call from them a few weeks ago, set up for some testing, passed it, set up for an interview, passed that, took a drug test, passed, got fingerprinted and had my picture taken. I start training on the 7th. Yea! I've been in touch with my new boss a few times and she's really nice. Wish me luck.

Since I last wrote, Alec started walking! We think he was just too lazy to walk because just started walking clear across the room one day. No little steps, then falling. He just pulled himself up and started walking as though he'd been doing it for a while. Aww, my baby is becoming a little boy.

One thing that really bothered me was last Saturday when we went out for breakfast. We went to a restaurant that we really like (For those of you in El Paso, it was Barrigas on the west side). We walked in and the manager greeted us. He looked kind of pompous and asked us if we needed a high chair for Alec. We said yes and he went back to standing against the wall. He didn't get us one and didn't tell anyone else to. Our waitress came, asked us the same thing and went to bring us the chair. In the middle of my meal, I bit down on a little piece of metal. I thought it was some hard little piece of food but then saw that it was metal about the size of a staple but thicker. We told the waitress who was really apologetic about it and walked over to the manager. She showed him the metal and I figure she told him it was in my food, he shrugged and again went back to standing against the wall. I didn't order anything else and they didn't charge us for my meal, but I would've preferred to be charged but apologized to. He never once came over and said I'm sorry or even acknowledged us anymore for the rest of the time we were there. I think if I were managing a restaurant and something like that happened, I'd go apologize and try to charm them. I'd comp their meal and offer a free something for their next visit (that way, I'd make sure they came back heh, heh.) We left and walked right by him and he didn't even look our way. Argh!
Anyway, its good to be back online and I hope you all have a great week!
feeling: I'm back online. Whew!
watching: The Olympics
what I should be doing instead of blogging: reading other blogs I've missed
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