Friday there was a quick drive back to Tucson. We found a house! That's the good news. The bad news is that it won't be completed and ready to move into for six months. That picture is the model home. So, this means that will have to go to temporary housing. We were trying to avoid that, but the deal on the new home was just too good to pass up. Plus, you should see layout! I LOVE IT! We have to go next week to pick out all the design details (paint and carpet colors, wiring options) and we are just soooooo excited. Rodrigo and I think these will be the longest six months ever.
We had to change our moving date again. We were initially going to move in August, then late July, then July 17th, then we found out that school there is on a year-round schedule and actually begins on the 17th. So, I guess this year I'll be moving on my birthday. :(

Saturday we had a small family gathering to celebrate Alec's third birthday. I can't believe that tiny little preemie baby is now three years old. Time flies!
Alec's actual birthday was on Sunday, along with Paul McCartney. We did nothing on Sunday. Part of Rodrigo's happy Father's Day was not going anywhere and just lounging around all day. I watched soccer, then I watched soccer and after that I watched more soccer.
I already gave my resignation letter at work :( and am now looking forward to a good-bye dinner with my girlfriends on Thursday evening and an "Yvett is going bye-bye" luncheon at work on Friday. I am sooooo going to cry.
For now I have to get ready to go to work. I cannot believe that I am going to working at the same time that England is going to be playing. ARGH! I don't know how I'll be able to concentrate. Ok, enough for now.
feeling: I have soooo much to do
listening to: Weezer (My Name is Jonas)
Happy Birthday Alec! That does sound exciting -picking out paints and all the details.
congrats on finding a new home. i remember as a family we moved into a new home and had to wait 3 or 4 months for it to be built, so 4 of us and most of our stuff stayed in a three bedroom apartment. It was crammed and we didn't have cable, but it was fun to have a swimming pool for a little bit.
Happy Birthday to your little boy! Hope you get a nice temporary place before you move into to your permanent home. Just think the fun you'll have decorating for it!
Oh my! I've been a bad blog reader lately! So much has gone on over in helloyvetty land!
Congrats on the new house! And Happy Birthday Alec! I can't believe he's three already!
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