I'd decided to get them waxed a while ago, but just hadn't gotten around to it. Anyway, it hurt like a *$&@#(! I didn't expect it to hurt so much. I cried. I couldn't help it, the tears just kept coming. I should've been tipped off since the girl said "Oops, sorry" after the first time. OUCH! So, now I have pretty eyebrows and red all around the brows. She said the red would go away soon but it's still there. Especially above my nose, She waxed there too since apparently I had a unibrow that I didn't know about. Look at my pretty brows and the ugly red bumps I have now on my face. I'm putting a circle around the biggest bump just so you know.

feeling: embarrassed
listening to: Tool (Vicarious)
**sorry if this post is coming up so late. I've had problems with blogger and had to save it as a draft
Awwww poor Yvett. I symphatise. I did that a few years ago before my wedding. That was the last time! Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks. This will definately be the last time. Now that they're shaped, I can just keep it up. It just wasn't worth it.
Ani, were you also yelling obcsenities? ;P
you think you won't have to go back....
I have to say though, that the first is probably the worst because you don't know what to expect. Also, sounds like you didn't get the best waxer.
I pretty much pluck what I can, and wax when I have too - usually when I forget to pluck and then there are too many. But after having waxed so much, it is making a difference - I don't have to pluck as much or wax as often.
You bet your poor abused face I was cursing! Why do women do these things but you're right now that they are shaped you can keep them up. I got a little to nutty with the scizzor one day though and they are too short at the ends. I don't want to grow them out though because it will be haggardy. So I just deal.
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