Usually all the morning shows that Alec likes to watch make me want to bang my head until I become unconscious. Either that or "point my fingers and do the twist". You know what I'm talking about, right? They're full of awful songs that stick in your head and make you totally uncool. I used to have songs by artists like Pearl Jam stuck in my head and now I'm singing "fruit salad, yummy, yummy" to myself. Well, for the past few months this has no longer been the case. There is a show that the kids both like and I absolutely LOVE! (note: we've all really liked
Jake Long for the longest time as well but since this is not one of those annoying morning shows, it doesn't count) This show is
Wonder Pets! Oh. My. God. I LOVE this show. It is ADORABLE! I especially love Ming-Ming the little duckling. So, this show is about these three classroom pets. After the kids leave there is always an animal in trouble and they call the Wonder Pets for help. After they rescue the animal (and a tree in one case) they have some celery. This has made my kids want celery like crazy! I've been buying celery much more than before and the peanut butter has been running out like if we were living at
Leslie's house.
Yes, this show also has its share of catchy songs. . . . "
The phone, the phone is ringning, the phone, we'll be right there....". I can overlook this though since this show is just soooooo cute. Check it out if you get a chance.
Here is a pretty cool interview with the show's creators. On the
Nick Jr. page, click on "nick jr playtime", click on videos, and you can watch a couple of episodes there.
Here is a still of an episode where they save a dolphin in Hawaii. Oh yeah, they also go to a different part of the world for each rescue.

feeling: loving this cool weather!
listening to: We Are Scientists (Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt)
Oh yes, the wonder pets. We watch them on the Noggin channel. I checked out a movie the other day-Doogal. Luke loves it. I saw that the reviews on amazon was only 2 stars though.
Yeah, we get it on Noggin once and Nick Jr. twice everyday. I've already seen all the episodes. We'll see how long I love this. . . . .
Watch out, Jess. Your earplug wearing time is coming soon. Mwah, ha, ha, ha.
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