-On January 15th I MET INCUBUS! That's right. I met Incubus. My Christmas gift from Rodrigo was tickets to the meet and greet at the Phoenix concert. Now, I could've thought of about a million witty and clever things to say, but as I was about to enter the building, I blanked out. When I was with the band (especially hot, hot Brandon) all I was saying was something like "Duh . . . er . . . ah . . (giggle, giggle) daaaaa . . .uh . . . " Something like that. I sounded like a total moron. Anyway, they were all really cool. Really cool. I guess since I think Brandon is super attractive, I sort of expected him to just be there posing so for him to be joking around kind of threw me off. We got an autograph from all of them on a picture designed by Jose (drummer). I also hugged the band members and was able to touch the subject of quantum theory with Brandon (long story).
After the meet and greet, we had to wait a little while before the concert started. It was funny to hear a lot of the people talking about it. A couple of girls were adding and adding things to their story. I kept thinking "I was in there and that did not happen". So, if I were like those girls, the meet and greet would have been more like . . . . . I walked in and then I tripped and all the band members ran over to pick me up. Then I was so excited that I fainted and Brandon carried me. Then we made out and now we're married. How's that?
Once inside, since we had V.I.P. tickets, we were right at the front of the stage. Uh, this was alright when I was like 19 but I was in no mood to get trampled or squished. I told Rodrigo that we should stay there for a few songs so that I could some good pictures then after that, we'd go to the back. Sure enough as soon as Incubus started playing, we were crushed. I got several pictures then jumped the barricade and went to the back. Even now over a week after the show, I still have my legs bruised up from the pushing crowd. I'm way too old for this.

- Huge news this past Sunday/Monday was the snow. IT SNOWED IN ARIZONA. That was all you could hear about on the news. We were hanging out on Sunday afternoon. It had been raining all day. I looked out because I couldn't hear the rain anymore and noticed that it had started snowing! It took me a while to process what was happening. Of course the kids were really excited.
Here is one of the pictures that was on Yahoo's Most emailed pictures . . .

There are a lot of cool pictures here.
- Also, in not so exciting news, I'm coaching cheer again. Yup, I'll be the coach again for the winter season. What can I say? Brianna loves it and since I'm going to be there anyway . . . . Besides, I at least know what I'm doing this time around. I have 11 new girls but they all seem to be picking up quickly. I should be getting paid for this, though. It takes a lot of time making all the team rosters, snack schedules, newsletters, formations, printing out cheers with moves, picking up and sorting uniforms, calling all the parents, etc. Oh well.
- Oh, I almost forgot . . . . our house! I had told you before that we were supposed to have moved in December but the house was not ready at all. So, the construction finally well under way. We had a meeting with the builder and everything is going well. They asked if we would consider renting it to them to use as a model. We're sort of hesitant about that. On one hand, it would be extra money. On the other, it's kind of weird to have people going through your house. I think I'd say yes on the condition that after they decorate it as a model, they leave everything in there for us. Yeah right. I wish! I'll post more about the house as things develop.
I guess that's it for now. I have about a million emails that I need to reply to and 75 million pictures I've promised to email and still haven't done. Take care, all!
feeling: busy
listening to: Augustana (Boston)
Congrats on all the cool things happening. I probably would have been the same way meeting a favorite band too. That is wild Arizona got snow!
I would have DIED being that close to Brandon Boyd. Sigh...he's dreeeeeamy. :)
Thanks, Ani. Maybe you and I can meet Bono someday and faint together.
Nanette! I can't believe I forgot to write that they sang Dick in a Box! I SWEAR! I was cracking up!
Hey Yvette... Did the conversation of getting to "keep" the decorations ever come up? I'm just wondering if you actually negotiated with them, they might go for it.
My brother and his wife did something similar when they bought there house, it was the model first. They negotiated all the furniture, everything in the price, and got to keep it all. It was so cool when they moved in. As is.
You might try talking with them about it.
(bad blogger friend who STILL owes you a gifty.)
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