In fact, this picture was taken one day after I made my first post. Aww . . my baby! Today was his first day of school. He was so excited and I was a wreck. I got home and thought, "ok, now what?" It was so quiet and I had no idea what to do with myself. There was no one to feed, no one saying "mama, mama, mama", no one here except for me. He only goes for three hours two days a week, so I think I'm going to be doing quite a share of volunteering. Between his and Brianna's classroom, I should be pretty busy.
Here he is today in his new classroom looking through the dress-up clothes.
feeling: super duper old
listening to: U2 (Staring at The Sun)
Oh, my heart goes out to you!! I am already dreading next year when my son will start preschool. I know he needs to be around other kids, but I'm so not looking foward to all the issues invovled in school. It is so much different than it was when we were growing up. Back then a bomb threat was cool. You got out of class for a few hours and everyone KNEW there wasn't a bomb. It was just a crank call.
Awww congrats.
Awww. This makes me a little misty-eyed. What a big boy he's become. Hope he's enjoying school and you're not feeling too down!
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