Some of you might be wishing your babies would talk already. I remember those days. It' really not like that anymore.
At the table the other night . . . . .
Alec: Maaaamaaaaa! (even though I'm right next to him)
me: what?
Alec: I finished all my dinner
me: that's good
Alec: now the food is having a party in my tummy
me: (laughing) yeah
Alec: they're having a game
me: oh yeah?
Alec: they're trying to see who can turn into poop the fastest. That's the winner (pronounced vinner).
me: oh, uh, (fake smile) how, uh. . . nice.
Alec: yeah, it is nice.
At a meeting for a extra curricular club . . . . .
Brianna's friend: why is your blouse so long?
Brianna: -scoffs- it's a
tunic. It's supposed to be like that. Don't you know anything about fashion? (walks away)
me: (eyes wide open, mouth wide open at a complete loss for words)
- we had a talk at home about rudeness-
Picking Alec up from school . . . .
Alec: I know what that sticker says ( a bumper sticker)
me: oh yeah?
Alec. yes. it says McCain.
me: yes it does
Alec: who put that sticker on there?
me: I suppose the owner of the car (I know whose car it is too, I just didn't tell Alec because we have regular contact at the school office)
Alec: they like McCain?
me: yes, of course, and they put a pretty sticker. Isn't that nice of them?
Alec: no! Don't they know McCain turned into a troll?
me: What?!?! (looking around hoping no one heard)
Alec: yeah, I saw it on TV, he turned into a troll
me: please don't say that
Alec. OK. . . . . . but it's true.
-as it turns out, when I was making dinner, Alec was hanging around and there was a segment where a certain show was comparing McCain to gollum. I really need to change the channel once in a while. I sooooooo don't want to be influencing my kids or having them say stuff like that at school.-
Brianna after school . . . . .
Brianna: everyone liked my haircut
me: I'm glad, Bird, your hair looks very pretty
Brianna: yeah I know. Even though it's shorter now, I still have the prettiest hair in my class. I think maybe in the whole school.
me: uh . . . . .
Brianna: I don't make it up, all my friends told me too.
me: (thinking): great
- I don't know what to say to her sometimes. I want her to be modest, but it's kind of hard to change someone's mind when all their life you're telling them they're beautiful and smart.
feeling: I wish I had a mute button for the kids sometimes
listening to: J0n@s Brothers (Lovebug)