I've been to every discount and dollar store in the area and can't find them in pink. I found two in our grocery store of all places, but I still need six. Friends were telling me about several other discount stores that are not too far from here where I could maybe find them. I'll be going there. Plus my mom is on the look-out in Texas. I've seen some online, but I'm not willing to pay $4 on each. Is that super stingy of me? I mean, I want these from like a dollar store, not Sephora (which are the ones I keep coming across). I went looking at a body shop in a mall this weekend and each one was $6.99. No thanks. I didn't even stay to look for the right color.
If I'd have known that this was going to be a hassle, we would have picked another color. She could have been a white poodle. We have everything in pink now, though. Isn't it always the case that when you're looking for one specific thing, you can't find that? I bet you after I don't need them anymore, I'll be seeing these things everywhere I look. -sigh-
feeling: it doesn't feel like Monday to me
listening to: John Mayer (Free Falling)
OMG! That's so ridiculous. I would have sworn up and down that I've seen them at our dollar store all the time. I will check for you around here and see what I can find. Good luck in AZ.
You could make them, they sell the nylon netting in the fabric stores. A yard for something crazy like 99 cents. Just a thought.
http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/639287/homemade_bath_and_shower_puffs.html and http://www.craftbits.com/viewProject.do?projectID=893
Have you tried Walgreens? I always seem to find puffs at Walgreens, but color isn't a big deal to me, so not sure if they have pink.
I was going to suggest Walgreens as well. That's where I get mine. I'd be glad to look for you. How many would you like?
I am desperately trying to come up with a costume idea and may steal this! Do you have the instructions?
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