I missed my blog. I really did. There were many, many times when I'd start "writing" a post in my mind but never actually do it. I also started lots of drafts and changed my template a couple of times without actually posting anything. I can't stress enough how much I think FB status updates contributed to my bloggy neglect. I wanted to share this, though. A lot of my FB friends and just overall friends I talk about are bloggy friends I've actually never met. We've been reading about each other for years and together have gone through weddings, deaths, moving away, having babies, careers . . just life. You guys know who you are. It's incredible to see my bloggy friends that have had babies and those babies are now kids.
I started my blog at the end of 2003 when my own kiddies looked like this. . .

Here's how they look now. . .

Ugh, I'm old. I have a daughter in middle school and a son in 2nd grade. Oddly, my maturity level hasn't changed.
welcome back!
Oooh another post!
Very well said though.
My goodness the kids have grown.
And I feel 18 in my head. lol.
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