feeling: bummed out
listening to: The Shins (New Slang)
Another thing I saw is NaBloBoMo. National Blog Posting Month. By signing up, you agree to post in your blog every day in the whole month. Quite clever. I haven't signed up in the official participant list yet. If I do decide to do NaNoWriMo, I won't be blogging much. Also, we're leaving town for Thanksgiving. I thought about Audioblogger and just found out that they are discontinuing service as of November 1st. Suck. I might blog through the cell phone. I mean, we could always take the laptop but MY MOM DOES NOT HAVE INTERNET SERVICE. Oh well, I have one last weekend to consider all these things.
Jess, I know you said you thought about NaNoWriMo. Have you done it before? Has anyone? Realistically, would I have to be at the computer all day?
Ok, enough of that. Have a great weekend! Ours: Halloween carnivals, football games, shopping. . . . .
feeling: I *LOVE* this Butter Rum coffee
listening to: Halloween music playlist
Ok, so about Project Runway. . . . . Oh. My. God. I couldn't stand Laura last night. I've always liked her. Always, but yesterday she came off looking like she just couldn't stand any competition. Plus Jeffrey looked so hurt when she told him she didn't think he completed that collection himself. ARGH! I would've thrown a shoe at her. You know, I'd always liked her because of her designs but now that I think about it, she's badmmouthed so many people. She talked about Keith, Angela, Vincent, Kayne, Uli, Jeffrey. Yes, I know she speaks her mind, but she just seemed jealous. I mean, of course Jeffrey can sew. That's what he does! Doesn't she remember the couture challenge. Of course it's going to be much better if he has more time. That's what he does! Oh, I just can't wait for next week. I hated that preview where Jeffrey was seen crying. I know he showed his collection, I've seen the pictures, but is he still in the competition? Ah, man. Next Wednesday can't get here soon enough. Team Jeffrey.
feeling: anticipation
listening to: The Fray (How to Save a Life)
So, I wore a light cotton sleeveless top and I was still super hot (as in temperature). There were girls in bikini tops and shorts. I can't believe it's already autumn. Arizona. Is. Hot.
I learned a few things:
1. I'm old. When Rise Against started playing I was thinking, "Man, this is really loud". I also wondered if the singer often gets sore throats with the way he sings.
2. Even back when I could've gotten away with it, I never went out to someplace other than a beach or pool in a bikini top. I doubt that I would ever go to a concert in one.
3. I've seen Incubus three times. 2002, 2004, 2006.
4. Every time I see them, I love them more. They're just sooooo impressive. They're one of those bands that sound even better live.
5. I can't wait for their new album which will be released next month. They played a couple of new songs and I really liked one. I thought it was call anomaly or animal-y but I found it online as Anna Molly. Hmm...
6. Crocs are the most amazingly comfortable shoes ever. Ever. When I first saw them, I thought they were the most hideous looking things and wondered why anyone would wear them. After wearing mine for an entire day of walking and standing (some slight jumping and dancing), I know.
7. Friday, I admitted to Tommy that I was almost looking forward to spending a kid-free day more than I was looking forward to the concert. Having no kids with us was a rare and nice treat. Still, we weren't even in Phoenix yet when I was already missing them and feeling guilty. I felt better since my parents took them to the park, the zoo, McDonald's and a play area in the mall.
8. If I were to get a tattoo each time I consider getting one, I'd be covered in tattoos. I have one small one, but am always thinking like a 19 year old and want to get "Incubus" or "U2" or other designs. Especially at concerts.
9. I liked Jared Leto a whole lot more back when he was on My So-Called Life.
feeling: mad at Alec
listening to: Incubus (Anna Molly) <-- I wonder if this is really the name