Tuesday, March 14, 2006

i'm here

My lack of posts recently have been due to just pure exhaustion. You would not believe just how tired I've been lately. I'd attempt to sit here and just not feel like doing anything. I was able to go to sleep earlier last night, wake up later today, I had a day off and I've had two cups of coffee and a red bull. I'm good today. I have to catch up on bills, answering emails and, well, posting here.

Since I last posted. . . .

-Brianna won third place in the district science fair.
-Brianna also made a beautiful plate here.
-We have a new member in our family!
-We will be spending a few days here and here next week.

Also. . . .

-I guess I'm behind in times but I'm still in the first stage of the Arctic Monkeys (I'll be skipping the second one).
-This is hilarious!
-Thanks to certain people, Keiffer Sutherland no longer exists to me. Only Jack Bauer and I don't watch 24 either. Still, I was excited that he has a playlist.
-After more than two years I gave my old commenting host the shaft. I was tired of losing my comments. It had already happened three times.

feeling: caffeine-y
listening to: Arctic Monkeys (I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor)


foodiechickie said...

Congrats to Brianna and the new wheels!!

Yvett said...

Thanks, Jess. It seems like I've been really busy but I have sooooo much to do at home. Isn't that always the case?

Thanks, Ani! Brianna wanted sweeps again but I explained just how good third place or just having participated was. She seemed fine after that.

Michelle said...

welcome back to the blogosphere. thanks for the belated bday wishes - i knew you were "out of town" so to speak, and not ignoring me. :) Ooh! and you've got blogger comments now!

Yvett said...

Ha! No, I wasn't ignoring you, Michelle! I need to catch up on all my bloggies, though. Yeah, I got rid of Haloscan. When I started the blog, there were no blogger comments and I just never changed it. I kept losing my old comments on Haloscan, though. Twice because I changed the comment box and once I don't know why. I just got tired of it. It might sound silly, but my old comments meant a lot to me and they were lost. I saved the ones I had left and switched. I like this better.

Jodi said...

Welcome back! Congrats to Brianna and on the car. It sounds like you have every reason to be exhausted!