Friday, November 03, 2006

hacking democracy

Did everyone catch the premiere of the new HBO documentary, Hacking Democracy last night? Wow. We were speechless and very, very concerned. Rodrigo and I were talking about what could be done. I suggested a sort of receipt. You know, like a "just in case" sort of deal. I mean, you get a receipt for everything else, why not for something as important as this? Rodrigo, the techy surprised me by saying that the best solution would be strict paper ballots. He says that fake receipts would start popping up all over. My solution to this is some sort of transaction number and the person's id number printed on the receipt as well. I don't know, but something has to be done. I feel so unsafe heading into next week's elections. Anyway, if you didn't watch it, you should. It played on HBO, so I'm sure it'll be on heavy rotation for a while.

As NaBloPoMo continues, expect daily posts. . . .

feeling: concerned
watching: Law & Order SVU


Jodi said...

We should all be concerned. And it makes no sense. The banking industry has had ATMs down for years...why can't this work? It's more like who doesn't want this to work? I'm happy to be voting on paper on Tuesday, but unfortunately, I'm not in a state that "matters" as much.

foodiechickie said...

It sickens me. Still I hope it doesn't deter people from voting.

ren said...

it's bad, i agree, but haven't we already seen that paper ballots can cause their fair share of problems? lost containers, hanging chads, whatever. we do have better technology then they are using, so why do we settle for less?