Thursday, November 16, 2006


Wow.....I'm soooo sorry that I'm barely posting this right now. I've been having some blogger issues lately. I haven't had much time for posting and whatever time I did have, I kept getting a "server down" message. When I was able to type something, it would freeze and not be able to post. So I saved the entries as drafts and I'm trying once again. . .

Ok, so here are the responses . . . .

-Nannette: This is what I wore today. . .

I usually don't wear t-shirts but I loved this one. It is an Asian Kellogg's shirt. I wore it with black pedal pushers and Crocs. Don't give me any greif about the Crocs. They're soooooo comfortable. Hmm, now that I see the clothes, it looks sort of frumpy. To my defense, I knew I had no where to go to today other than to drop off/pick up Brianna. Also, my hair looked say cute, so already I don't look like I just rolled out of bed (like some of the moms). I'm just saying.

-Ani: this is my favortie pair of shoes. . .

I love the classic look of Burberry, so I love these shoes. They're a size 7 1/2 which makes them two sizes too big for me. Everytime I wear them, my feet hurt because of that but it is a small price to pay to wear really cute shoes. :P

-Jess: surprisingly, my favorite place here is really the outdoors. I say "surprisingly" because I'm more of a "great indoors" type of person. I love the scenery here, the temperature, the weather, just all of it. These were taken in November. . .

Oh, and I also love Trader Joe's. I finally live where I can shop at one!

- Jodi: In the 90's I had the best dog in the world! His name was Brandy and I took him everywhere with me. I'd dress him up, let him sleep on my bed, take lots and lots of pictures of him. Aww.... I miss him.

That picture was taken in Halloween of 1995.

-Diana: One thing I'm working on for Christmas, I can't show. :) Since I think Thanksgiving gets the shaft, I tried making decorations. Here's what I have on my living room table (first picture). . .

I'm also having the kids work on an Advent Calendar. I bought 24 little boxes and are having them paint them. In each box I'm going to put a little treat or a thing to do. Things like baking cookies, writing a letter to Santa and mailing cards. (second picture)

-Ren: Nothing too exciting for dinner tonight either. We grilled.

-Michelle: If I could have anything right now and not have to worry about money, I'd love a car. I need a new one but since we're having a house built, we can't make major changes in the credit. I'd love to just have Santa leave me one.

I found pics of a Mini Cooper and a VW Beetle which I love.

That's all!

feeling: craving Thanksgiving stuffing
watching: The Tonight Show

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Thanks for posting the photo of Brandy. Adorable!