It has been raining all day today! I love it! Living in the desert, we don't get much rain at all and so I hardly get to use my sunflower umbrella. It isn't a sunflower pattern. It is only a giant sunflower. I used it today when I dropped of Brianna. I skipped the bus stop and took her straight to school. There, a little boy was pointing and yelling "Look at her umbrella!" Then a little girl said it was beautiful and started asking Brianna where she got it What can I say? I'm cool with the four year-olds.
I'm getting older. Old, rather. Here are a few things that I've recently noticed:
-I get excited over things that would be boring if I wasn't old. I get so excited now over things like furniture and appliances. A couple of months ago when we went to get a washer and dryer and you would've thought it was birthday I was so excited. I got home and called my mom and my grandma to let them know about the new appliances. Yesterday, Rodrigo got home with a new computer desk. I wouldn't have been happier if he would've brought me flowers and jewelry (ok, maybe I would've). The point is that these things didn't use to be such a big deal and to and now they are. Old.
-Time goes by sooooo much quicker. There aren't enough hours in the day to do all the things that I would like to do. I wake up and the first thing I do is make a mental list of things to do and the order. I remember it used to take FOREVER for Christmas, my birthday, and summer vacation to arrive. Now I think "another birthday already?!?!" Time for Christmas shopping already?!"
-Thirty doesn't seem old anymore. I remember being in mourning for my lost youth when I turned twenty. I thought it was practically the end of the world. Now as I get closer and closer to thirty, it just doesn't seem old anymore. In fact, a lot of my friends are now older than 30.
-I look forward to staying in. Not too long ago, I was always wondering what was going on for the coming weekend. We still go out once in a while, but now staying home really appeals to me. Being able to sleep late on weekends is a real treat. I actually look forward to sleep now. Old.
-My house is now one of the gathering places. On special occasions, we would usually be at my mom's house. Now since I don't have that little studio that I'd practically just sleep in or that small apartment that no one really fits in, my family actually comes over. I mean, I have a dining room and actual food to give them. Not ramen noodles. In December, my uncle was in town and my family came over. The ladies kicked me out of the kitchen to make a real meal and clean up and didn't once complain about what I didn't have in the kitchen. Whoa! I have a real kitchen. When did that happen? I'm old.
Now that I'm officially depressed, I'm going to do something totally immature. Ok, I'm really going to wash dishes. This only confirms that I am really adult now with real responsibilities.
feeling: what else? Old!
listening to: Morrissey (Whatever Happens I Love You)
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