Monday, November 13, 2006


The online album issue has been solved. Even though, technically I'm not supposed to do this, I'm going to share a couple of pictures with you for maybe a day or two. Then I'll take it down. So, here is my baby Alec. . .

feeling: cold
listening to: Christmas music


foodiechickie said...

Aww cute shots!

Yvett said...

Thanks. I like that second one because he's always making that face. He was pouting because he wanted to play and the guy took a picture of him pouting. I had to have that picture.

S said...

Cutie! I've never taken Luke to have his pictures made. I know I should sometime.

Nanette said...

He's adorable! He looks like a child model!!!

Yvett said...

Thanks all. I made him.

Jessi said...

Awwww. Adorable!!

Michelle said...

he really knows how to work the camera! too cute!