Sunday, November 26, 2006


We're home! As much as I love visiting my family, it feels so good to be home. I must say that my house smells nice. My mom had told me that before and I'd never noticed until I walked in today. I walked in and thought, Hello house. Hello couch. Hello my bed. Hello kitchen. Hello my computer. You get the gist.
Just as we were leaving my mom's house today, she told me "Oh, take some turkey". By "some turkey", she meant "Take this whole turkey". Yep, I brought home an entire cooked turkey just waiting to be eaten by me. I let Alec just sit around loose and put the turkey in the car seat. Ha! Yes, I'm kidding. Right now I'm being Bubba and replacing shrimp with turkey thinking of the things I'm going to cook this week. Turkey tacos, turkey sandwiches, turkey enchiladas, turkey quesadillas, turkey stir fry. . . Did anyone say tryptophan overdose?

Understand Spanish slang? Pavo con huevo, pavo a huevo. :)

feeling: I'M HOME!!
listening to: Benny Ibarra (Llueve Luz)

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