Tuesday, February 27, 2007

our house . . . finally

After months and months of going over to look at our lot and seeing only this . .

I am very, very happy to report that there is finally lots of progress going on in our home. Yay!

Be happy for me. I can hardly wait! You can see the pictures I have so far by clicking here. By the way, don't you just love the sky here? On the other side (looking out our house) are the mountains. Doesn't it make you want to move to Arizona here with me?

feeling: super excited
listening to: Incubus (Pendulous Threads)


Jesser said...

YAY!!! How exciting. It is so cool to finally see something going. Hopefully it won't be too long now.

As for the gorgeous AZ sky & mountains, I have pretty comparable versions right in my own backyard, but I agree, they're so nice to look at!! :)

Yvett said...

Jess, I actually thought about you when writing that. I figured that you also get a gorgeous view in CO. But hey, we don't get snow here. Now if you don't mind walking out and bursting into flames, you're set!

Jodi said...

Congrats! Progress is good! Nice view and sky, but it's hot and dry enough where I am thankyouverymuch. I don't think I could handle hotter and dryer.

foodiechickie said...

Before you know you will be moved in. That is cool having a brand new house. I remember I had a snort layover once in Arizona and I was staring out at all those lovely mountains.

wyn said...

It's really amazing. Two things that I couldn't help noticing from the empty-lot pictures: it's so sunny - as if it hasn't been sunny here in months - and it's really flat and dry-looking! Anyhow, it's truly amazing and I'm excited for you to have to new family home!

Lisanne said...

Your home looks like it'll be gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

ooh i'm so happy for you! you are having a home built! how exciting:)

foodiechickie said...

I meant short not snort. Oh lord.