The party was scheduled to start at 2:00. The cake was to be ready at 1:00.
Now, this is what always ends up happening at Casa Yvett . . . . . Rodrigo and I start getting ready at about the same time only I have to get Alec ready and get Brianna's clothes ready, then comb and style Brianna's hair and help Alec with something then comb Alec's hair then clean Alec's face again because even if he just bathed he always gets something on his face then Brianna asks if the earrings she picked out match then they all go into my room for something until I finally get them out, then and only then am I able to get ready myself. By this time Rodrigo is already ready and is wondering why I take so long.
This was the case. He was sitting around and asked if he should go pick up the cake. It seemed harmless enough. He left and I finished up. I was checking things off my to-do list to make sure I had everything ready (candles, camera, treat bags). Everything was fine. I kept waiting . . . I finally went to call him and noticed that the phone had a "Check Telephone Line" message. I fixed it and called him. Busy. He was calling me.
me: (I didn't even say "hello") where are you?
Rodrigo: I've been trying to call you. I dropped the cake
me: (total, complete silence)
Rodrigo: hello?
me: you're kidding, right?
him: NO! I dropped the cake. It's windy and I was trying to open the door and blah, blah, blah (I sort of drifted out or passed out for a while)
me: (quiet again)
Rodrigo: oh, so what, now you're mad?
me: uh . . . .no . . . . just . . . .well, go buy another one. I mean, what else can we do? (I was in a sort of daze really. I wasn't even mad, just numb)
Rodrigo: what kind?
me: It doesn't matter. Any cake. Just so long as Alec has a cake.
Rodrigo: OK, I'll call you back
He took the smashed cake back inside and they made him a new one at no charge. Plus it was ready in like 10 minutes. Aren't they awesome? I thought it was really nice of the bakery but joked that they must've felt really bad for Rodrigo. They must have imagined him with a Rodrigo & Kate style wife and were thinking he'd get the lecture of his life when he got home. I couldn't stop laughing at that because I am the furthest thing from a tough wife as possible. Luckily all went well. Scandalous interruptus.
Alec was oblivious to any cake drama and had a great time!
feeling: I can't believe my preemie baby is about to turn six
listening to: Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Zero)
Happy Birthday Alec!
That would so be our house. LOL. What a story! I had to laugh. You are a good story teller.
What great pics of Alec.
And I LOVE the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Zero is one of my faves.
That is too cute!
I cant believe how fast he is growing up!
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