I submitted my blog onto blogwise. I checked the next day and it wasn't up. I checked later and it still wasn't up. I went into the page and read that it would take 1-2 days to appear and I'd get a comfirmation email. No email. Right then I knew I'd done something wrong. Even if they reject you, you still get the email. So, i resubmitted my page and once I was done I read something that I had failed to read before. It stated that blogs would go into queue and it would take about 30 days for a response. It went onto ask to please not resubmit blogs. Oops. Sorry. Now they're going to think I'm an idiot and reject me. They'll stamp a huge, red "REJECTED" sign across my page.
I've been meaning to write about a billboard I saw last week. It was a PETA billboard that read "KFC: Kentucky Fried Cruelty. We do chickens wrong." On it was a drawing of Colonel Sanders slaughtering a chicken. I've never seen a PETA billboard here in El Paso before. I thought people would be complaining left and right but so far, I haven't heard anything. How odd. Now, I was PETA girl for a while, but I think that a few of the members are too extreme. I love animals and I understand what the activists mean, but I don't think that they go about it the right way. A lot of people think PETA members are whacko. I don't like meat too much, but that's just personal taste. I wasn't too much into meat then I saw a documentary on how meat was produced and I was totally grossed out. I didn't have meat for about 8 or 9 straight months after that. During that time, though, I was not trying to get everyone I came across to do the same. I won't wear real fur and I agree that testing shampoo in kittens' and rabbits' eyes in order to determine how much shampoo can go into your eyes before your eyes bleed is unnecessary. Now being a mother, though, I have to admit that some of my views have changed. I mean, the worst thing in the world is when your baby has a fever or a cough and you don't know what to do. If whatever I had to give my baby to make him better happened to be tested on animals, I wouldn't hesitate. I hate to admit that, but it just wouldn't stop me. Maybe it's that I'm over my post-adolescent "save the world" phase. I feel the same, though. I think it's more that my priorities have changed. That's ok. Another point as to why I'm old. Good night.
feeling: old again
watching: Conan O'Brien
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