Thursday, July 29, 2004

back to school

Is it my imagination or are the back to school dates coming sooner and sooner? Lots of people have been going to my place of employment to buy school uniforms for their kids. One of our local school districts went back to school this past Monday. The others will be going in about two weeks. How sad for the kids. I remember going back to school in early September. I'm pretty excited because Brianna will now be required to wear a uniform. This is going to save a lot of "what are you going to wear tomorrow" time. I wish I had that when I was in school. Her uniform is a white or navy blue polo shirt with khaki or navy blue pants, shorts, skirts or skorts. Now the only challenge will be making these unisex uniforms look prissy enough for Brianna to wear. She refuses to wear jeans and most pants that aren't "cute enough" since they're "for boys". I'm planning on making her a few bows with the school colors and maybe get her some knee-high socks in order to get her to wear some loafers. I don't know what else will be on her school list. My friends whose kids are already in school got asked for some odd stuff. School lists now include batteries, antibacterial handwash (the kind you don't need water with) a realm of copy paper, and other stuff. Wow, I remember when we had to take school boxes and crayons.

feeling: eating strawberries with chocolate. yum!
watching: local news
what I should be doing instead of blogging: going through mail

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