Friday, October 27, 2006

NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo

I'd been thinking about doing NaNoWriMo this year. I signed up again but it just sounds so impossible to do. I mean, I have a lot of things to do. How can I be a good mom and still write 50,000 words. Hmm.... I have a lot of things to think about. I'm thinking more seriously this year because I actually have some sort of writing theme in mind. Plus, 50,000 words really isn't a full novel. I'd say it's more like a novella and might just be feasible. -sigh- We'll see what happens next week.

Another thing I saw is NaBloBoMo. National Blog Posting Month. By signing up, you agree to post in your blog every day in the whole month. Quite clever. I haven't signed up in the official participant list yet. If I do decide to do NaNoWriMo, I won't be blogging much. Also, we're leaving town for Thanksgiving. I thought about Audioblogger and just found out that they are discontinuing service as of November 1st. Suck. I might blog through the cell phone. I mean, we could always take the laptop but MY MOM DOES NOT HAVE INTERNET SERVICE. Oh well, I have one last weekend to consider all these things.

Jess, I know you said you thought about NaNoWriMo. Have you done it before? Has anyone? Realistically, would I have to be at the computer all day?

Ok, enough of that. Have a great weekend! Ours: Halloween carnivals, football games, shopping. . . . .

feeling: I *LOVE* this Butter Rum coffee
listening to: Halloween music playlist


Yvett said...

EXACTLY! They should pick January when I'm broke, have nowhere to go, I don't want to spend more and I'm cold.
They should start at like the 3rd or 4th week of January and go for a month.

Anonymous said...

yo se' que si puedes...en esp. con la imaginacion que tienes...¡adelante, hazlo!

Yvett said...

Gracias. Lo voy a intentar. El tema que tengo te agradaria.

Jodi said...

I'm seriously thinking about the blog one. I only have less than a day to decide though!