Wednesday, November 15, 2006

still have nothing

I'm still having a serious case of the "I don't know what to post". Rather, it is more of a case of "I don't feel like posting" since I have about a million things that I want to write about. So today I'm leaving it up to you to help me. I'm asking you guys to name some things you want to see. Then I'll take a picture and post them as quickly as I can. I'd done this before and I received requests like "something you treasure, the inside of your fridge, and you". I'm also asking the codfish that come here and don't comment to play along because I'm really stuck on writing. Telling me on the phone or messenger doesn't count. You know who you are. Ok, so I guess this is to be continued . . . .

feeling: blah
watching: Dancing With The Stars


Nanette said...

What you're wearing tomorrow! :)

foodiechickie said...

Favorite pair or pairs of shoes.

Jodi said...

I don't even know if you are an animal person, but do you have any fond pet memories to share?

Anonymous said...

I'm always interested in seeing all the crafts you are working on for the holidays, if any.

Anonymous said...

well, i don't know what kind of pictures to ask for but how about sharing some holiday traditions? i am totally into what other people like to cook for special occassions, or if you don't cook, what you like to eat.

or better yet...take a picture of your lunch! (or breakfast...or dinner)

(can you tell i am having the saddest lunch ever and need to live vicariously through someone else?)

-not anonymous ren from "this is so silly!"

Michelle said...

what do you want for Christmas? (budget unlimited)