I hadn't watched Saturday Night Live in the longest time. I think a couple of years. We were home last night after a long, long day and I started watching. Justin Timberlake was the host and I was so surprised at how funny the show was. I was laughing when he was dressed up as a Cup O'Soup and then the "D**k In A Box" video had me in stitches! The whole show was funny. Has it been like this lately? Have I been missing out? I was pleasantly immpressed with Justin's performance. He should look into a career change, :)
feeling: wishing there were more hours in a day
listening to: something on Disney Channel
Yeah I read that and it made me love Tina Fey even more.
I agree, Jess. If you don't watch it "live" it's not the same. It's just that it the show hasn't kept my attention lately. I'd watch Weekend Update sometimes.
I think he has hosted before. Sometimes the show is good sometimes meh.
He has done a few movies. One went to video. Don't know when the others will be released.
I think he has too. Honestly, he's not someone that I usually pay attention to. Like if U2 or Incubus were on, I'd be watching.
I think the script was just good this weekend. It was funny right from the beginning.
I seem to always fall asleep these days before it comes on!
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